Friday, September 17, 2010

My first review for "Watercolorist's Seduction"

I am delighted by the thoughtful, considered and lovely review Judith posted on The Book Binge blog. You can read it here. Judith calls my short story "warm and readable" and "a story that pulls at the heart strings." Here are her concluding words: "This is the first literary offering by this author I have encountered, but it demonstrates a talent for good writing and the ability to tell a very good love story in a small number of pages. Ms Lewis does all this with a very competent grasp of the historical realities which form the context, and the cast of characters are all very real. I liked the story--it was not difficult to read but it held my interest throughout the work. Thus, I give this work a 3.75 out of 5 rating." I'll take that! Thank you again, Judith for being such a deliberate and thoughtful critic.

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